"The Earth System, Second Edition" employs a systems-based approach to examine Earth science at the global level. This text explores how:
- Earth's processes have connections to the past and to each other
- Seemingly small-scale changes to Earth can have large-scale effects
- Processes that are occurring now are molding the course of the future
The second edition incorporates two new chapters:
- Modeling the Atmosphere-Ocean System--A discussion of why numerical models are necessary, how they are used, what they can tell us about past and future climates, and what their limitations are.
- A Focus on the Biota: Ecosystems and Biodiversity--Focuses on life's role in the Earth system, how ecosystems function, what biodiversity is, and whether or not biological diversity enhances the stability of ecosystems.
Three categories of boxed text are included and offer a deeper study of the topics presented.
- A Closer Look--Includes more advanced concepts, results from current research, and explanations of interesting phenomena.
- Important Concepts--In-depth presentations of fundamental concepts from the natural sciences essential to our understanding of the Earth system.
- Thinking Quantitatively--Demonstrates how simple mathematics can be used to better understand the workings of the Earth system.