Awakening from the American Dream
註釋Awakening From The American Dream… From Crisis To Consciousness… is an expose’ of the American Dream as illusory enculturation. It is a call to awakening to true reality in which happiness is not something to be pursued, but rather innately experienced as one’s birthright. The book invites readers to wake up from the American Dream, rather than trying to make it work or creating a new dream. A dream is a dream… it can never be reality. Part One focuses on the initial stages of awakening, beginning to question Dream beliefs, like the pursuit of happiness (if you’re chasing it you don’t have it!). Part Two uses the Socratic Method to question popular myths about life in America, relative to twelve specific areas of life (like the economy, health, marriage, religion, etc.). Readers are invited to challenge their own convictions and open to new possibilities. Part Three is about what it is like to live wide-awake, taking personal responsibility for the reality you create and being a leader by example for others.