International Trade Law
註釋Multilateral trade negotiations through the 1970s -- The Uruguay round (1986-94) and birth of the WTO (1995) -- The DOHA round: launch amidst schisms (November 2001? August 2004) -- The DOHA round: intricate negotiations and results (August 2004? December 2007) -- Adjudication mechanisms -- Adjudication controversies -- Free trade theory -- Questioning free trade theory -- Trade patterns and factors of production -- Economics of trade barriers -- The first pillar: MFN treatment and GATT article I -- The second pillar: bindings and GATT article II -- The third pillar: national treatment and GATT article III -- The fourth pillar: non-tariff barriers and GATT article XI -- Administering quantitative restrictions and GATT article XIII -- Origin and entry -- Tariff classification -- Tariff valuation -- Trade controls -- Border security -- Economics aspects of FTAS -- Political and security aspects of FTAS -- Multilateral disciplines on FTAS -- Preferential rules of origin -- Typical FTA obligations: market access -- Typical fta obligations: further commitments -- Historical and economic foundations of AD law -- Procedures -- The dumping margin calculation -- Adjustments to normal value -- Adjustments to export price and constructed export price -- Dumping margin calculation controversies -- Historical and economic foundations of CVD law -- The subsidy determination -- Injury -- Causation -- Safeguards -- Trade retaliation -- Trade policies, growth, and poverty -- Special and differential treatment -- Preferential programs -- Trade and labor -- The jurisprudence of GATT article -- SPS measures -- Market access -- Domestic support and export subsidies -- Services trade negotiations -- Substantive services trade obligations -- Interests and obligations -- Enforcement.