Cutting Through Complexity
Nadine Dechausay
Caitlin Anzelone
Using Behavioral Science to Improve Indiana's Child Care Subsidy Program. OPRE Report 2016-03
ERIC Clearinghouse
, 2016
This report describes a collaboration between the Indiana Office of Early Childhood and Out-of-School Learning (OECOSL) and the Behavioral Interventions to Advance Self-Sufficiency (BIAS) team. The OECOSL is the lead agency responsible for administering the state's Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF), which provides child care subsidies to low-income parents who are working or in school. The BIAS team tested three behavioral interventions related to the CCDF program using random assignment. The first intervention focused on child care decision making among low-income parents. It aimed to increase the percentage of parents who used their CCDF subsidies to pay for providers in the state's quality rating and improvement system, called Paths to QUALITY (PTQ). The second and third interventions aimed to improve the CCDF redetermination process. Findings showed that the first intervention did not increase the overall percentage of CCDF families who chose any PTQ provider; however, being sent a referral list combined with a phone call increased the percentage of parents who chose a highly rated provider by 2.1 percentage points (a 17 percent change). The second intervention increased the percentage of parents who attended their first scheduled redetermination appointment by 10.6 percentage points (a 24 percent change). It did not change the likelihood that parents completed redetermination in one appointment, but it did increase the percentage of parents who renewed on time by 2.7 percentage points (a 4 percent change). The following are appended: (1) Additional Background; and (2) Technical Appendix. Contains a list of earlier publications from the Behavioral Interventions to Advance Self-Sufficiency (BIAS) Project.