註釋A study by the Council of Ontario Universities on tuition fees for undergraduate university programs (especially on factors that need to be considered in establishing and financing an appropriate level of fees) is discussed. Seven chapters are as follows: introduction (reasons to study fees, policy questions concerning tuition fees, and outline of the report); evolving a tuition fee policy (e.g. emerging public support for universities and origins of government control of fees); tuition fees at Ontario universities (e.g. tuition fees and student aid, tuition fees and operating expenditures, and total cost of university education); accessibility and the demand for university education (e.g. economic and social factors influencing enrollment decisions); economic and social benefits of university education (e.g. returns to investment in university education and to selected programs); alternative approaches in setting tuition fees (e.g. recommendations from public commissions and public opinion polls on fees and financing); and financing students' tuition and other costs (e.g. Ontario Student Assistance Program and prepaid tuition fees). Three appendices are: supplementary data; Ontario Council on University Affairs tuition fee advisory; Australian Higher Education Contribution scheme; and issues in rate of return analysis. Contains approximately 180 references. (SM)