TIME-LIFE Mysteries of the Criminal Mind
The Secrets Behind the World's Most Notorious Crimes
出版Time Inc. Books, 2015-12-15
主題True Crime / General
註釋Is it nature or nurture that shapes a serial killer? What drives a person to become a kidnapper or a terrorist? And can such behaviors be predicted — or even stopped before they occur? As advances in science unlock the secrets of our DNA and reveal the inner workings of the human brain, Time-Life Books explores the fascinating findings that are shedding new light on the criminal mind. What role does birth order, divorce, media influence, and other societal pressures play in how criminals are formed? By examining some of the most notorious criminals from history and our modern era — from Al Capone and Charles Manson to Scott Peterson and Dzohkhar Tsarnaev — and their characteristics, the nature of their deeds and the possible formation of their pathologies. Readers will explore the roots of crime, going on the streets to meet the authorities who deal with criminals on a daily basis and have developed unique insights into the criminal mentality. Packed with infographics, sidebars and lists, this book is a compelling yet easy introduction to the new age of crime and punishment — a must-read for anyone who wants to understand how crimes begin and how we can help end them.