Pollen and charcoal of mesophilic arboreal vegetation from Pleistocene sediments in Slovenia - evidence of microrefuges
Pelod in lesno oglje mezofilnega drevja v pleistocenskih sedimentih v Sloveniji - dokaz mikrorefugijev
出版Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, 1998
註釋In many pollen diagrams, pollen of decidous mesophiles occurs in Pleistocene sections too. Moreover, charcoal of such trees was found in the sediments from Palaeolithic stations together with charcoal of coniferous trees. We conclude, that such mesophiles persisted at suitable localities - microrefuges - even during the ice ages. At the beginning of the Holocene, they started to migrate from refuges to all directions until they formed thick forests. Radiocarbon dating prove that the above mentioned events occured in Slovenia contemporarily as those in Greece and in Bulgaria. So it seems obvious that the development of our forest is not a result of tree immigrations from the Balkans or from the Apennine Peninsula. Thus, the migration of mesophiles from the local refuges can also explain the very early and fast develpment of forest in Slovenia. In this paper the results of unpublished pollen investigations, including many samples from Pleistocene sediments, are presented to complete the earlier publications.