Real World Investigations for Social Studies

This innovative book presents case studies --called investigations-- that combine ready-to-implement middle and high school lessons with complementary guidelines to demonstrate how the principles of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) can be used to meet NCSS social studies curriculum standards. This combination of CTL principles and NCSS standards creates a book that shows teachers-in-training examples of quality social studies instruction while simultaneously illustrating essential teaching methods. KEY TOPICS: Intended to develop the attributes necessary for informed citizenship, each investigation provides a sequence of lessons using the teaching/learning styles that research has shown to be most effective with these age groups. Each investigation requires readers to face problematic issues, research and analyze data, construct meaning and understanding, evaluate competing points-of-view, and, finally, reach and defend conclusions. All coverage keyed to NCSS standards--with an investigation for each of the ten mandated competencies. MARKET: Core or supplemental reading for middle and secondary social studies methods courses.