Mary and the Good News
註釋Mary of Nazareth stands unique. She was given a privilege and responsibility none could share. When but a teen-ager, her problems began: The prospect of becoming an unwed mother A hard journey at the worst time Bearing a baby under difficult conditions Fleeing in terror in the dark Living in a strange foreign land. When her son began his career, he soon won a large following, but strong forces opposed him. Mary had to endure seeing him arrested, tried and condemned. It was truly "like a sword piercing her very soul." What gave Mary strength to face life with courage and confidence? She was a woman of winsome personality and staunch character. She had been carefully chosen. There could be but one mother for God's Son. Leigh Whitney was born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma. While in high school, she learned that Jesus was her Savior. Those were years of The Depression; college was unaffordable. However she found a Bible Institute in Denver where she could work her way through school. After graduation, she went on to nursing school. Then she married Leonard Parcel, her Bible school sweetheart. For the next twenty years, Leonard and Leigh served as church planting/medical missionaries in eastern Congo, Africa. There they also raised five children. Leigh now lives with a daughter in Wichita, Kansas. At age 94 she is still able-bodied and active. She teaches Bible classes, sews, makes crafts, helps at church. She finds life with the Lord fascinating and fulfilling