Factors to the Liberian National Conflict: Views of the Liberian Expatriates
註釋This book identified and analyzed the historical, political, cultural and social factors responsible for the Liberian National Conflicts, also known as the Liberian Civil Wars. These conflicts resulted in the destructions, genocide and divisiveness among the ethnic groups and increased refugee problems. The book traced and uncovered the historical, political, social, economic religious and cultural factors in the Liberian conflicts. It described as one of the prime factors, the unique formation of the Country and subsequent the leadership style and the social stratification for more than 140 years of Americo-Liberian oligarchic regime. The exclusions of the majority of the indigenous Liberians from the political and economic activities of the Country was identified as one of the factors to the conflict. The book revealed that nearly all of the 60 Liberian expatriates interviewed by the author considered as prime factors in the Liberian civil conflict, the perpetuation of Americo-Liberian governance over the majority indigenous Liberians for more than a century and the resulting disparities in political, educational and economic opportunities among the Liberian citizens.