After hearing the progressive liberals on the left described so often to be "acting like children," I decided to turn them into the very children they were behaving as. Placing these "kids" where they belong-an elementary school-the leaders of America seem to be right at home in the classroom, dealing with the problems of the day while, unfortunately for us, making them worse. Attempting to turn an American tragedy into an American comedy, as it is better to laugh than to cry, was my way of coping with these infantile thinkers as I watched in horror and, in real time, the internal assault on the United States. These writings cover the second term of the Barack Obama administration whom the American people, unbelievably, gave a mulligan to following his disastrous first term. The cancerous ideology of the modern-day left turned President Obama-a man many thought could unite the country-into someone who divided it instead by splitting Americans into categories (black, white, rich, poor, etc.) to be toyed with, as a cat might toy with a mouse. Children have long been considered a blessing, but there is also an old adage that goes, "Children should be seen and not heard." Never has that been more evident than when we listen in to the hypocritical childlike politicians spewing their daily venom from behind the private walls-paid for entirely by America and most certainly not Mexico-of what I call Democrat Elementary School. And although these walls are paid for, America will be paying for the decisions made behind them for years to come.