註釋First Published in 2001. Eurojargon explains the meaning of more than 3,000 acronyms, abbreviations and sobriquets used across the European Union to identify European projects, schemes, and agencies (often used to avoid the problem of translation): many have crept into everyday use over recent years and have become almost a language in themselves. Eurojargon is an attempt to bring together those used within the context of the EU.

Some have been included that are from a wider context that that of the EU, such as European associations and organizations recognized by the EU. Addresses are given where appropriate. Uniquely, references to official texts are cited in brackets after the description. The alphabetical listing follows the principle of "letter by letter". Any descriptive text in capital letters indicates that there is an entry under that heading in the alphabetical sequence. The sixth edition of Eurojargon contains a large number of additional entries as well as updated information on those included in earlier editions.

Eurojargon is aimed at a wide range of user-specialist consultants in EU information, academics and students, information specialists, economists and, politicians.