Why We Killed General Patton!

Based on actual and provable events that gave General Patton the power to destroy all those who were attempting to destroy him! General Patton had absolute proof, two Congressional Medal Of Honor awards had been approved by General Eisenhower, knowing both award Citations were false. Exactly as General Eisenhower had verbally ordered them to exist! A group of men, from Privates to Generals, were involved in meeting the verbal orders given by General Eisenhower to make the "Friendly Fire" shoot down in France, of a Top Secret B-24, loaded with the Allies most Top Secret Electronic Warfare Equipment, 'Go away, make it happen!' This is the story of what they did to 'make it happen!' Everything you will read about the two crashes was verified by crash survivors during the author's research, Americans involved at each crash-site, OSS, and Graves Registration personnel. During dozens of research trips to the locations in France, the author met many French people who had witnessed the presence of the Narrator of this book at each location. Also, many Americans witnessed his presence during the events in question. He did exist and this book tells the story of what he did to insure General Eisenhower's secret was safe. When you are finished with this book, you will have the ability to follow the footsteps of the author's twenty-seven years of research, from archives to on-the-ground crash-sites in France.

There, you can see for yourself, how the two Congressional Medal Of Honor Citation state the two awardees were killed during their crash, when their "...plane exploded, crashed and burned." When, in fact, their B-17 crashed totally different manner, 138 miles and 14.5 hours later than the Top Secret B-24 that did crash that way

When you finish this book, you will understand why world history woudl be so different today, as General Patton would have most likely, become President in 1948. Because, General Eisenhower and everyone of the signors of the original medal applications were destroyed for helping miuse the Congressional Medals Of Honor to cover-up the illegal actions verbally ordered by General Eisenhower in November, 1944.

Step by step, you will realize that Genearl Eisenhower ordered the remains of American military dead hidden, in part and even, three complete bodies. Two of whom, were awarded the Congressional Medals of Honor. What makes it worse, the way they ended up their lives, they deserved the medals they received, under even more heroic circumstances.