The Indian Chief
An Account of the Labours, Losses, Sufferings, and Oppression of Ke-Zig-Ko-E-Ne-Ne (David Sawyer) a Chief of the Ojibbeway Indians in Canada West
出版Coles Publishing Company, 1974
註釋"KEZHEGOWINNINNE (Geezhigo-w-ininih, Kezigkoenene, Kishigowininy, literally skyman, man of the sky, or one who is exalted; also known as David Sawyer), Ojibwa chief, member of the Eagle totem, Methodist lay preacher, teacher, and farmer; b. probably in 1812 at the head of Lake Ontario in Upper Canada, eldest son of Chief Joseph Sawyer [Nawahjegezhegwabe*] and his wife Wetosy (Jane); m. probably in 1830 Anna Springer, and they had at least three sons and one daughter; d. 11 Nov. 1889 at the New Credit Reserve, Tuscarora Township, Ont. Kezhegowinninne grew up during a period of crisis for his people, the Credit band of Mississaugas (Ojibwas). Having ceded almost all of their land to the British crown, the band wandered aimlessly in search of ever-diminishing reserves of fish and game. The ranks of the Ojibwas had been reduced by European diseases, such as smallpox and tuberculosis, against which they had no natural immunity. Their numbers on the northwest shore of Lake Ontario, over 500 in 1787, had fallen to approximately 200 by 1819. Many members of the tribe believed it would soon be extinct ..."--Canadian biography online