Lightning and lightning detection systems
dokumentirano predavanje za BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) Workshop 12.avg.1998 v Velikih Laščah : [Mednarodni študentski poletni tabor ”Natural phenomena”, od 19. do 19.avg.1998]
出版Elektroinštitut ”Milan Vidmar”, 1998
註釋We know that through the ages lightning caused forest fire, destroyed objects and killed people and animals. In the introduction a brief overview of the historical aspect the lightning phenomenon will be given to the listners since, people always had respect for lightning and thunderstorms and we may find gods in almost all cultures which were somehow connected with the lightning. Some 200 years ago Benjamin Franklin showed that, lightning is an electrical phenomenon. The second part will deal with the simplified lightning physics. For generation of electrical thunderstorms in the atmosphere, presence of condensation nuclei, water vapor (water droplets) and strong vertical winds (heat) are necessary. These conditions are best fulfilled in the tropical area (high humidity and heat), over the Sahara desert we also have a lot of heat but very dry air and the result is very few lightning in that region. Vertical winds separate charges of different polarities for hundreds of meters or even kilometers. This separated charge causes very high electrical fields. When the dielectric withstand of the air becomes smaller than the electrical field, lightning occurs. The third part will talk about the different types of flashes and their properties. In general we may say that there are cloud-to-cloud and cloud-to-ground flashes. Besiede this we differ them also according to the polarity an thus we know them as negative and positive flashes. The development of each depends mostly on the age of the thunderstorm cloud. In the fourth part major technologies for remote lightnig detection will be introduced. Two most known methods and their main features, Magnetic Direction Finding and Time of Arrival will be introduced. On-line real-time presentation of Slovenian Lightning Detection System will take place, using the up-to-date JAVA technology. In the conclusion some research projects which are dealing with lightning characteristics will be presented.