
  The fundamental structure of the universe, from the particle and the atom to the biological evolution of organisms such as the eye and ear, exist because of the harmonic relationships of waves.  The most significant characteristic of the human species to evolve was advanced communication abilities resulting from the perception of harmonics.  This perception led directly to the unique biological morphology of the human vocal apparatus and the correlative neurocranial expansion of the auditory, memory, and language regions of the brain.  New research is conclusively demonstrating that the modern human capacity for advanced language was in tact by approximately 200,000 B.C.E. and that the earliest advanced technologies to be created were harmonic sound and language devices.

To date, there has never been a thorough examining or explanation of why the harmonic component emerged, nor has a model been discovered or developed to define and elucidate the harmonic structure of language which is the unifying mechanism of all fields.  Within this treatise, a new harmonic model of Euclidean space is presented which elucidates the fundamental harmonic identities of numbers and their relationships within a naturally occurring resonant field system.  This model is then applied to various harmonic phenomena in contrasting wave based fields to demonstrate unified harmonic structure and function.  As a pièce de résistance, it is shown that the harmonic mechanisms which create the triangularity of vowel formant perception and the resultant Euclidean harmonic circularity of vowel space, is synonymous to the ocular cone trichromacy forming color perception and the resultant Euclidean harmonic circularity of color space.  Due to the underlying harmonic frequency substrate of both these phenomena, an expanded harmonic correlation is demonstrated with wide ranging repercussions.  One such consequence being the ability to linguistically transfer the categorical perception of harmonic structure from one field to another providing a plethora of new harmonic investigative and analytical tools for every wave based field.

The core of the information presented herein is demonstrated through the medium of sound and the organizing harmonic elements of music language.  Accordingly, the integral components of language formant vowels and consonants, color trichromacy, and dual harmonic frequency/wavelength systems are unified in an applied model which has been tested for the past decade showing fundamental harmonic cohesion and discourse between the underlying phenomena.

Though this treatise is a scholarly presentation, it is designed to be accessible to a wide and diverse educated audience due to the sheer scope of facts presented from multiple niche disciplines to which no single scholar could be expected to possess an expert command.  It is thus a comprehensive panorama of harmonic structure providing a never-before-seen perspective harmonic correlation between seemingly unrelated fields.  As much as this treatise is an extensive exposition of the structure of harmonics, it is also an engaging expose of harmonic evolution within the biology of multiple species and the systems of color, language, and music.  It has therefore been defined as a Rosetta Stone which not only provides for the decoding of fundamental evolutionary harmonic correlations between wide ranging organisms, but also provides new tools to investigate, analyze, and evolve the next frontier of harmonic order.