Greatest Tamil Book Thirukkural & Oldest Language Sanskrit!

This book Greatest Tamil Book Tirukkural & Oldest Language Sanskrit! contains over thirty articles on Tirukkural of Tiruvalluvar, the greatest poet of Tamil speaking world and the oldest language Sanskrit. These articles appeared in my two blogs over the period of 13 years. Apart from Tirukkural, there are articles touching Bharati, the greatest Tamil poet of modern age and Bhartruhari, author of Nitia Sataka.

Sanskrit and Prakrit have lot of interesting books such as NitiSataka of Bhartuhari and Gatha Sapta Sati. Since this is the third book dealing with Tamil and Sanskrit matters inside India, I have included the contents of my previous two books at the end. If you look at the contents of all the three books you will get a full picture of the marvellous productions in these two languages.

Outside India, we see Sanskrit Inscriptions in Turkey (Bogazkoi) dated around 1400 BCE and Dasaratha Letters in Egypt. And we have over 850 Sanskrit inscriptions in South East Asian countries.