By Red Neck Crick
註釋This book is a work of fiction, but it predicts a "Happening" or "Event" that I can guarantee will occur. And the way I know is that it has already occurred several times. Never has the Earth, or the people on it, been so ill-prepared to deal with it. And never has it been so long-overdue as it is now.What if, in a year, a few years, or your lifetime, but within a 24 hour duration, an Event occurred that destroyed nothing, and killed no people, at least directly, but changed the Earth so drastically and overwhelmingly, your mind would marvel at its occurrence, but dread its ramifications?What if the Event took us literally back in time, leveled the playing field for all religions and societies, made all men and women equal, and made money, power, and military force if not non-existent, than practically useless as a means of manipulation?Who would be best equipped to carry on in this New Age, this Brave New World? Would you?