註釋Lever's "Histopathology of the Skin" is a classic work that has been used by generations of dermatopathologists, pathologists, and dermatologists to further their knowledge, in their current practices, and in the training of their own students. The pathophysiologic organization used in the book is based on Walter Lever's original scheme, with appropriate modifications over the years, and is more efficient than the pattern method, since related entities are discussed in juxtaposition, instead of being scattered about the book. Strengths of the book apart from its reputation as a classic work include its comprehensive coverage. The pattern-recognition "primer" used in the eighth and ninth editions will be retained and extended, based on ideas developed for the Atlas. This section serves to introduce the notion of pattern-algorithm diagnosis to the readership. The "primer" section will be extensively cross-referenced to the chapters and perhaps also to the second edition of the Atlas.