UNIVERSAL LOSER: A Story of Every Indian GUY

You've already won everything you wanted, still, you call yourself a loser Conquering a woman's heart, using your power and money. I don't find it as a winner. Yes, it is the chief characteristic of a loser that is I'm, a Universal Loser. Stop bull shitting man. The girl you always wanted is just waiting for you in the car. And she is devoting her everything to you. Yet you are behaving like a bastard. This is what the world looks at. Girl in the Ferrari, cash in the bag. Bang Bang Bang. It is very simple to see and judge from a distance. Once you come close and put your feet in my shoes you'll find that she is there because of the position I'm holding. Once I lose the position, she'd disappear in seconds.  She won't, I know her very well. And I know her more than she knows herself. You don't trust me, go and ask her.

let's get into the journey of Varun, how he considered himself a loser despite getting all the possessions that he never truly wanted but for a girl.