
This six page, quick-reference laminated guide by Dr. Joseph Renzulli and Marcia Gentry guide provides an overview of Enrichment Clusters, an innovative component of the Renzulli Schoolwide Enrichment Model, along with seven steps for implementation. Enrichment Clusters engage students in interest-based, student-driven, real-world learning experiences. An Enrichment Cluster is a “brand of learning” that focuses on providing resources, guidance, and feedback to individuals and small groups based on their interests, learning styles, and preferred modes of expression. The facilitator serves as a guide-on-the-side rather than a dispenser of prescribed curriculum. Students use authentic investigative skills, how-to books, and inquiry strategies to produce a product, presentation, or performance for targeted audiences. Enrichment Clusters are the academic equivalent of extra curricular activities with teachers serving as coaches or facilitators rather than traditional instructors. 

Includes a getting started guide and examples, as well as tips for evaluation and assessment.