The Greatest Golf Book Ever Written
註釋Tootology: the book is great Out of the box, the critics of course blasted the title as an overreach. 'Definitely one toot over the line, my friends.' But the boo's have turned to cheers for the little duo from Upstate New York. It is easy to get caught in the hunt for superlatives, when one experiences something new. Especially for reviewers who wish they were authors themselves. We refuse to use the 'g' word as you know. The first Son of God, the first quest for the great white whale, etc., make you reach for the 'greatest' moniker. But is it not justified in this case? The first rigorous dissertation on the golf swing - the first philosophic golf novel - the first example of the new genre of literary scratch/sampling - the first planting of organic logic in a novel - these my friends are not trivial pursuits. I hesitate to add the first team of stand-up philosophers, for fear some might expect the book to have pop-ups. None here, but this creative work tees off from and aims for stratospheric heights, and not of the silly wall calendar variety. We welcome you to enter and fall under the spell. All, especially you non-golfers, are gladly welcomed. Of course the authors quote from my works extensively, which is nice, perhaps it is the best part? Personally, I believe the partial reproduction from my works, alone, is worth the price of admission. And folks, that is the way to look at this work, as the gate to a new world, a stream bounded by shores of thought and knowledge as it rushes through the barren canyons of our present society. Mr. Holmes, and Mr. Kellogg indirectly, make a compelling case that the world we live in is irrational, not metaphysically but by our choosing; I havehad trouble returning from that. But what do I know, as I am merely a pigment of the printing process? 'I am not into the gist, or the geist, or the zeitgeist, whatever. Is searching for the gist of Desolation Row, by Bob Dylan helpful in any way at all? No, you play life as it lies, aye there's the rub. Our view is holistic and total. We do not squeeze for those with challenged attention spans. When I was young, I used to enjoyed picking the soft, white, center section from my slice of 'Wonder Bread', separating it from the crust. I'd roll it into a ball and perhaps eat it or throw it at my twin sister Henrieta. Sometimes we destroyed the whole loaf in this manner. My mother discouraged this and she was right, ' a rare and valued comment from the reclusive Mr. Holmes. Have you ever handled intellectual white water? Are you up for the journey? Everyone wants to ride the helicopter at least once. Commented by Henry Dribble author of The Sanctity of the Press WINNER OF 'THE MARCEL PROUST AWARD' FOR BEST FICTIONAL NOVEL BY A FICTITIOUS AUTHOR