Rose La Biche
"re-reinventing Everyday Basics"
出版Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020
註釋"From 2006 to 2015 Rose La Biche was a fashion e-commerce start-up founded by Lucy Baluteig-Gomes, an expatriate French entrepreneur living in California, USA, and in Barcelona, Spain. Rose La Biche produced customizable women's T-shirts. These artisanal T-shirts were decorated with hand-embroidered embellishments in the shapes of petals, leaves, ribbons, ruffles, and waves. Rose La Biche as a brand name and its slogans-"where nature meets urbanism" and "reinventing everyday basics"-emblematized this brand's artisanal, eco-centered approach to fashion. This case study requires you to relaunch the now defunct Rose La Biche brand by proposing a new product to launch in order to restart, extend, and expand the brand."--Bloomsbury Publishing.