Dublin Street Life and Lore – An Oral History of Dublin's Streets and their Inhabitants
The Recollections of Dublin's Tram Drivers, Lamplighters and Street Dealers
出版Gill & Macmillan Ltd, 1997-10-01
主題History / Social HistoryHistory / Europe / Ireland
註釋The first half of this century was the heyday of Dublin's vibrant and bustling traditional street life. Now in Dublin's Street Life and Lore, through the vivid oral histories of the participants themselves, Professor Kevin Kearns chronicles this rich street life and lore for future generations. The fascinating and often poignant verbal testimonies of Dublin's last surviving tram drivers, lamplighters, market traders, street dealers, spielers, buskers, local characters and others of their vanishing breed, comprise a wholly original and captivating personal historical record of Dublin's long renowned street life, told in Professor Kearns's uniquely engaging and informative style. Dublin Street Life and Lore: Table of Contents Introduction - Dublin Street Life and Oral Urbanlore - Historical Perspectives on Dublin Street Types - Street Figures of Yesteryear Lamplighters Dockers Postmen Chimney Sweep Signwriter Pawnbroker Fortune Teller - Dealers, Spielers, Vendors and Collectors Market and Street Dealers Spieler Newspaper Vendors Scrap Collectors - Transport and Vehicles Men Jarveys Tram Drivers Pioneer Cabbie Bicycle and Car Parkers Busman - Animal Dealers, Drovers and Fanciers Drovers Horse Dealers Pig Raiser Bird Market Men Pigeon Fanciers - Entertainers and Performers Buskers Pavement Artists Mimes and Clowns Bardic Street Poets