Les listes de préséance byzantines des IXe et Xe siècles
註釋At the XIIth International Congress of Byzantine Studies at Ohrid in 1961 Dr. Oikonomidès announced the discovery, in a manuscript of Escorial, of a new taktikon, or list of precedence which he dated to the end of the tenth century. In two further studies he examined the light thrown by the new document on the organisation and administration of the key frontier zones of the north and east. The present volume comprises not only the editio princeps of the new taktikon (pp. 255-77) but new critical editions of the three taktika of the ninth and tenth centuries already known (the Uspensky taktikon, Philotheus, and Beneševič taktikon) and an extensive discussion of the system of ranks and the offices and the organisation of the provinces in the ninth and tenth centuries. It thus forms a parallel volume to the edition of Pseudo-Kodinos and a group of minor treatises by the late Jean Verpeaux.