Helping Women Recover Facilitator's Guide

Since it was first published in 1999, Helping Women Recover has set the standard for best practice in the field of women’s treatment. Helping Women Recover is based on Dr. Covington’s Women’s Integrated Treatment (WIT) model. It offers a program specifically designed to meet the unique needs of women who are addicted to alcohol and other drugs or have co-occurring disorders. The package consists of a Guide for Facilitator’s and a Journal for clients, which can be sold in a package or separately. There is also a version for the Corrections Community. This thoroughly revised and updated edition includes new coverage on opioid addictions, becoming trauma informed and trauma responsive, LBGTQ, and increased coverage on various religious traditions including Judaism, Hinduism and Islam. The Helping Women Recover program offers counsellors, mental health professionals, and program administrators the tools they need to implement a gender-responsive, trauma-informed treatment program in group therapy settings or with individual clients.

Included in SAMHSA's National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices.