Until Death Do You Part: A Story of Faith, Hope, and Love
註釋This is a story written from two different perspectives: one of a husband and one of a wife. Our individual lives started from two diverse worlds and combined to become one life in 1987. We considered ourselves the typical, normal suburban family. As we grew in our marriage and focused on raising our children, we were determined to do so with God in first place and the kids in church. Unfortunately, the circumstances of life came into play a few years into our marriage and developed into a near cataclysmic end to two wonderful relationships: Our marriage to each other and our marriage to Christ. Jeff and Suzanne Coulter have been married since 1987. Jeff Coulter was born in 1966 and is from Williamsburg, Ohio. A devout Christian throughout his early adulthood, Jeff reached a crossroad with the death of his mother in 1988 and found himself turning away from God. On April 22nd, 2014 Jeff was nearly killed in a head on collision. Beating the odds and surviving the crash, one week later Jeff suffered multiple pulmonary emboli. Only 1 out of 20 survive such a traumatic incident. Jeff slipped into a void of nothingness; the absolute absence of the presence of God. A void filled with demonic beings and symbolic icons of hell and death. Miraculously surviving the crash and emboli, God also delivered Jeff from alcoholism and chronic depression. Through it all there was his wife Suzanne at his side as if she belonged there by God’s own invitation. Driving him along the way. Jeff has since rededicated his life to Christ and now dedicates himself to church ministries, online ministries and authoring diverse books.