Inclusive and Exclusive Identity Politics and Policies
The Dialectic of Right and Left in the Religious and the Secular Sphere
出版Sanbun Publishers, 2021
註釋"This study is concerned with the new Rightwing and Leftwing populist movements in Europe, and America, and around the globe, as they engage in the development of identity policies and politics. It is aware of the historical dialectic of Right and Left since the bourgeois enlightenment and revolution of the 18th century. It compares particularly Rightwing and Left-wing populism in the 20th and 21st centuries: from fascism to Trumpism. It is likewise paying attention to secular as well as religious populism and identity politics. The book uses the dialectical method. It differentiates between populists and extremists. While it is concerned mainly with the new populism, it does not forget class and status. It is fully aware that social democratic parties have lost large parts of the working class in the last 20th century and early 21st century, because they have concentrated too much on issues of cultural recognition rather than on the problem of redistribution. The study takes seriously the pathology of disrespect toward cultural minorities as well as the working classes in civil society and liberal state. But it does not neglect in any way the central contradiction of the private appropriation of collective surplus labor: interest, rent, profit, usury. It is fully aware of the historical battle of the sexes and strives for gender equality. The book remembers Auschwitz and the whole tragedy of the Shoa, and therefor aims at racial justice. It is very concerned with the religious Right and Left, their history as well as their present actuality and relevance. The study pays attention to the fact, that the genders, as well as the generations, and races, belong to and participate in the different social classes in civil society, and that as such they all share the interest in the distribution problem and therefore aims at social justice."--Back cover