Shifting Gears

“Shifting Gears will whet your appetite with first-hand tales of retirement so varied your head will spin.”

— Sara Zeff Geber, PhD, Author, Essential Retirement Planning for Solo Agers

“Richard dismantles the idea that retirement should ever be experienced from a rocking chair.”

— Susan Williams, Founder, Booming Encore, a top ranked website and influencer for baby boomers, aging and retirement

“I thoroughly enjoyed Shifting Gears – it made me think about my upcoming shift.”

— Daniel G. Welch, Author, Race for the Mind, a highly rated novel about an Alzheimer’s patient and the quest for a cure

See how this group of retirees shifted gears into retirement. Learn about the joys, challenges, and inspirations that were part of their journey in this stage of life. Here are a few examples of those experiences:

·     Donna recovered from four leg surgeries in three years and then decided to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro

·     Steve decided that after an analytical career, he wanted a creative retirement with music and art

·     Old, Wise, Learning Still discussion group was formed to talk about end of life issues

·     Tom created his Tacky Tavern Tour to entertain his friends

·     Chuck and his wife had to deal with a fire burning down their home