Unfinished gesture

 The book presents a discussion about the process of artistic creation in the diversity of its manifestations: visual arts, literature, theater, cinema, etc.  The proposed reflections are supported by research dedicated to the study of these creative paths, from the documents left by the artists, such as diaries, notes, sketches, drafts, mock-ups, projects, scripts and contacts. Dialogues were established between the observation of recurrent aspects in a great diversity of processes and the thought of Charles S. Peirce, generating a possible theory of creation.

First, the Unfinished Gesture discusses the aesthetics of the creative movement from a semiotic perspective. In this theoretical context creation is described as a fallible process with tendencies, supported by the logic of uncertainty, encompassing the intervention of chance and opening space for the introduction of new ideas. A continuous course in which you can not determine either a starting point or an end point..

These uncertain and indeterminate tendencies direct the artist in his  search for the construction of works that satisfy his great poetic project,  which is also strongly influenced by communicative issues.

The search of the artist finds its possible concreteness, in complex processes of constructions of works.

In a second moment, the creative path is focused from five points of view, as: transforming action, translation movement, knowledge process, construction of artistic truths and experimentation course.


In the Epilogue are presented the concepts of Peircean semiotics, which base the reflections on the artistic creation developed throughout the book.

The Unfinished Gesture aims to offer a critical approach to the arts, from the point of view of its production processes.