
31 vibrant original stories and poems ripe with magic of new beginnings...

Urban Green Man is an anthology of urban and contemporary short literature inspired by the mythology of the Green Man.

With an introduction by Charles de Lint, Urban Green Man features works by an international cast of authors: Satyros Phil Brucato, Gary Budgen, Suzanne Church, Karlene Tura Clark, Karen Danylak, Michael J. DeLuca, Eileen Donaldson, Sarina Dorie, dvsduncan, Susan Forest, Kim Goldberg, Alyxandra Harvey, Michael Healy, Rhiannon Held, Miriah Hetherington, Susan MacGregor, Michael J. Martineck, Randy McCharles, Billie Milholland, Heather M. O'Connor, Goldeen Ogawa, Celeste A. Peters, Mark Russell Reed, Martin Rose, Eric James Stone, Peter Storey, Calie Voorhis, Maaja Wentz, Sandra Wickham, Eileen Wiedbrauk, and Nu Yang.

Each work follows the theme of renewal surrounding the mythology of the Green Man.

The Green Man Mythology...

The mystical face of the Green Man can be found on churches and other buildings throughout northern Europe. It is believed that the the Green Man mythology developed independently in various cultures and is a remnant of ancient pagan beliefs. The human face, hidden in the green foliage, shows a longing for the natural world and reminds us that we are dependent on a healthy planet not only for physical sustenance, but for our mental health as well.

Psychologist Carl Jung once suggested that an archetype will reappear in a new form to redress imbalances in society exactly when it is needed. Perhaps the Green Man is rising yet again just in time to help us cultivate a harmonious and sustainable relationship with Nature.

Urban Green Man is available in all ebook formats, and in print.