Wholeness in Hope Care
註釋Throughout his life, the apartheid activist, Nelson Mandela (Madiba), maintained, 'In the darkest moment there is always hope. We must never give up'. Hope as a mode of the courage to be (Paul Tillich), points to what the Sociologist Peter Berger calls: signals of transcendence. Wholeness in Hope Care explores the rich tradition of hope in wisdom, philosophy and Christian theology. It connects non-hope/un-hope (Gabriel Marcel: inespoir) to a theology of compassion in soul care (cura animarum). Resurrection hope (theologia resurrectionis) points to the healing of life (cura vitae) and the preservation of land (cura terrae). In order to describe the helping and healing dimension in pastoral caregiving, the term 'promissiotherapy' has been coined. Daniel Johannes Louw was Dean of the faculty of theology at the University of Stellenbosch (2001-2005), President of the International Academy of Practical Theology (IAPT) (2003-2005) and President of the International Council for Pastoral Care and Counselling (ICPPC) (2011-2015). (Series: Pastoral Care and Spiritual Healing) (Series: Pastoral Care and Spiritual Healing - Vol. 3) [Subject: Pastoral Studies, Religious Studies, Christianity]