School Daze
註釋Warning! 'But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.' Matthew 8:6 (KJV) Take heed, all of you unbelieving miscreants in the public school system bent on programming kids for the deceitful New World Order. That warning is from the King of kings! School Daze is written with a satirical bite and is tempered with comic relief. Its author, Lucia Jones, a teacher in the public school system, gives an up-close and personal look at the biggest issues plaguing the System today. Among these issues are school zoning that forces students to move schools (and sometimes neighborhoods) often, a lax teaching curriculum, incompetent school officials, sex education (starting in kindergarten), ditching the basics and the 3 Rs for cuddly, feely programs loaded with political correctness and the two faces of multiculturalism. Christian values no longer play a role in public schools. Some public schools have taken God out of the Pledge of Allegiance and have even gone so far as pledging allegiance to the Earth. Prayer is not allowed, and the Ten Commandments are no longer displayed. Christmas parties are now winter holiday parties. Even the treats for these parties are at the mercy of the System—no more candy and ice cream, but tofu smoothies and yogurt cups. Lucia Jones is a devout Christian, mother of four, grandmother of eleven, and a veteran elementary school teacher in the public school system of twenty-five-plus years. She has spent eighteen of those years teaching at a small public elementary school on an Indian reservation. Lucia lives in Northern Nevada with her husband, Tom.