Multivariable command and control of thickness profile, camber and flatness by topometrical measurements and hybrid models for heavy plate mills : contract no. 7210-PR/151, 1 July 1999 to 31 December 2002 ; final report
註釋Ln order to achieve an enhanced shape and thickness profile and reduce camber and ski during plate rolling, detailed area information about varying geometric features along and across the plate had to be measured and exploited by advanced command and control strategies, which had to be derived from adequate models of varied techniques. For that purpose, a new shape inspection system, as well as a new thermo sensor and topometrical area measurement system TopPlan, to measure the total surface topography of the plate online, have been developed, respectively adapted and set into operation. An offline model of the finishing stand of the Corus Plate Mill at Scunthorpe has been developed and calibrated to predict rolled plate profile and flatness, and camber. This was done in terms of a more simple approach and in a comprehensive FE model, in which the mill housing, chocks and screws are also meshed in addition to the rolls and stock. Extensive analysis has confirmed that simple approaches to ski reduction by balance of top and bottom roll speed and torque does not work every time. Thus, a comprehensive pass to pass control concept was drafted, based on online ski measurement and on models adapted from pass to pass, that optimises the command variables for speed and torque balance control. A new multivariable controller prototype for a thickness cross-sectional profile was built up, that acts simultaneously by the screw downs at the drive and the operator side. Due to simulation results, based on real measurement data, it is working well. Thus, an essential component is available to be used as a cross-sectional thickness control or as an essential component in an integrated multivariable profile and camber control, with an online TopPlan camber measurement available.