India Stimulating Growth in Bay of Bengal Region
Integrating Key Interests and Strengthening Innovation Capacity
出版SSRN, 2019
註釋The world is witnessing a paradigm shift in terms of its power structure and structural equations as a result of the emergence of countries like China and other strong Asian economies which are competing with the present order of power and prevalence Western Dominance. The stalemate in the WTO's Doha negotiation and the uprising of mega regional and other regional groupings, marks the emergence of a new era of economic and political associations. The Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea (“BoBAS”) Rim countries comprising of India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Thailand, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore is an example of one such group that has the potential to emerge as one of the fastest growing regions. These countries are tied together with a multitude of factors like history, culture, demographics, technological development, common set of challenges etc. This paper seeks to evaluate if these countries can combine together their strengths and weaknesses in order to form a regional grouping that can foster economic growth in each of these economies. Further, if India can play a pivotal role and establish itself as a leader which guides the process of growth and development in this “BoBAS” Region. The paper is divided into five sections. Section I is an introduction to the paper. Section II focuses on the evolution of development strategies and the issues that prompt the formation of regional groupings and the integration of economies. Section III discusses the attributes of each of these “BoBAS” Rim economies providing an overview of their growth, trade, investments etc. discussing their complementarities and ability to form a regional group. Section IV analyzes the role of India in stimulating the growth in this region; it begin by understanding the linkages between India and all the “BoBAS” countries and then study the key initiatives by India that might allow it to play a pivotal role in fostering growth in this region. Section V concludes the findings, discusses the challenges and provides a road map for further progress.