Ordinary Mum, Extraordinary Mission

'I wanted to change the world, but I couldn't find a babysitter.'

School runs, packed lunches, play-dates, date night, nappy changes, homework, football, deadlines, bedtime stories, supermarket runs, peace-keeping, juice and biscuits, park trips, the runs, toddler groups, coffee drinking, mum's taxi, potty training, kiss-it-better. These are our lives.

Like you, we are busy mums who want to follow God. We want to be part of his mission to the world.
Perhaps you had big dreams of how you'd make a difference to the world, how you'd change it for the better. But now all you can think about is the next feed.
Or perhaps you think mission is only for 'special Christians' who are extra holy and know their Bible backwards - and you feel that just ticking off each day on the calendar is an achievement.
Wherever you are, whatever you feel, we hope this book will renew your passion to serve God in your own situation. We'd like to share some stories from women who have begun to do just that.
And we want to invite you to explore what mission looks like for a normal mum. Because however ordinary we are, we serve an extraordinary God, and he calls us all to be a part of his mission to transform the earth, bring his kingdom, redeem a new humanity and build his church.