Child Becomes a Reader: Kindergarten Through Grade 3
Proven Ideas from Research for Parents (rev. , 3rd Ed. )
出版DIANE Publishing Company, 2008-10
主題Education / General
註釋Learning to read and write can start at home, long before children go to school. Here are ideas for playing, talking, and reading with your child that will help him or her become a good reader and writer later in life. No special training or expensive materials are needed. This report contains: A short summary of what research says about how children learn to read and write; Things you can do with your children from birth through age 2 to help them become readers, such as simple fun language games; Things you can do with your children between ages 3-4 and what to look for in quality day care centers and preschools to help your children become readers; A list of helpful terms; and Books to read and organizations to contact if you would like more info.