The Impact of Community Embeddedness on Turnover
An Investigation of the Moderating Effects of Career Plateauing, Occupational Portability, and Occupational Commutability
出版Indiana University, 2005
註釋This dissertation tested the effects of community embeddedness on predicting turnover decisions of members of an organization characterized by frequent relocation and limited discretionary organizational exit. The theoretical premise was that the organization's members would value the links and fit to their community such that thoughts of leaving or actually leaving the organization would be lessened by their desire to remain enmeshed in their communities. Community embeddedness was believed to account for significant incremental variance, beyond that of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job search, and job alternatives, in predicting turnover of members of the U.S. Air Force using an archival data set. The moderating effects of perceptions of career plateauing, perceived occupational portability, and occupational commutability on intent to turnover and actual turnover also were tested, but no significant findings resulted. The author confirmed that community embeddedness did increase the prediction of actual turnover when considered in conjunction with turnover intentions, but community embeddedness did not increase the prediction of intent to turnover. Results suggested that reconsideration of process models of turnover that identify intent to turnover as the direct antecedent of actual turnover is necessary to evaluate the proper alignment of community embeddedness within the models. Theoretical refinement is necessary to refine the boundary conditions of community embeddedness.