The Holy Mountains of The World


Late at night, on July 23rd, 1958, on a barren mountaintop in Devon, England, a Western Master of Yoga held a rendezvous with a Cosmic Master from the Planet Venus which forever changed the future of mankind upon Earth. Tremendous Spiritual Power from the Cosmic Being, through the Yogi, prevented a dangerous war in the Middle East and Charged the mountain as a New Age Power Centre. Thus began a modern odyssey which was to give to humanity 19 Spiritual Power Batteries—The Holy Mountains Of The World Charged In Operation Starlight.

The Yoga Master was His Eminence Sir George King, Founder/President of The Aetherius Society, who had been designated Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel for Interplanetary Parliament in 1954.

Operation Starlight and the 19 new Holy Mountains were to become a vital cornerstone for the building of a New Age of World Peace and Enlightenment soon to be born upon Earth. 

Thousands of people—ordinary people except for their desire to serve their brothers—have climbed these mountains; have opened their hearts to contact the mighty Power; and have sent this outward through Prayer to suffering humanity.

The Holy Mountains Of The World are there for YOU, whoever you are! Whatever your age, race or belief, their Power will flow through you! Read this history. Then CHOOSE and ACT, to become one who helps to build the New Age!