Samuel's Sacrifice

Samuel Johansson is blindsided when his twin brother, Saul, confesses to having advertised for a mail order bride, but now wants to renege on his offer of marriage. Apparently, he has reconnected with his childhood sweetheart and finds himself in a pickle. His mail order bride arrives in two days. When Saul asks Samuel to marry her in his stead, Samuel's response is an unqualified NO. However, when he meets the lady everything changes. His rescue instinct begs to differ with his rational mind.

Addie McIntosh harbors the hope that her new life as a mail order bride will infuse hope into her miserable existence. Having lost her husband and child to illness, her life has become a nightmare of grief. For three years she has hidden within the confines of her New York townhouse, only leaving for necessities. With her funds almost depleted, she now faces a life or death situation. Being homeless and on the streets would surely bring about her demise, as would working in one of the backbreaking factories. When she cries out to Providence for help, she receives an unexpected answer in an unexpected way, and now finds herself on a stagecoach bound for New Mexico Territory in the Wild West.