One tiny story ... changes everything.
A ten-second story equals the impact of 1,000 facts.
Now we can use micro-stories to communicate our network marketing message in just seconds. Our prospect becomes involved in the story, and instantly sees what we see. And isn't that what we want?
Forget the flip chart, the presentation book, the website, the PowerPoint, and the video. Instead, use stories to get that "Yes" decision now. Later we can do our boring, fact-filled presentation.
As an added bonus, stories answer objections. No more frustration or push-back from negative prospects. And of course, stories are easy to remember, both for us and our prospect.
Here are the actual stories I use, word-for-word.
Join the top earners now and become a professional storyteller.
Order your copy now and start enjoying some great MLM and network marketing stories to move your business forward.