Forging the Sword
Philip Shiman
Defense Production During the Cold War
U.S. Air Force Air Combat Command
, 1997
The Department of Defense (DoD) Legacy Resource Management Program was established in 1991 to "determine how to better integrate the conservation of irreplaceable biological, cultural, and geophysical resources with the dynamic requirements of military missions." One of Legacy's nine task areas is the Cold War Project, which seeks to "inventory, protect, and conserve DoD's physical and literary property and relics" associated with the Cold War. In early 1993, Dr. Rebecca Hancock Cameron, the Cold War Project Manager, assisted by a team of DoD cultural resource managers, formulated a plan for identifying and documenting the military's Cold War era resources. They adopted a two-pronged approach. The first phase was to conduct a series of studies documenting some of the nation's most significant Cold War era sites. The second step had a much broader focus. Recognizing the need to provide cultural resource managers and historians with a national framework for future Cold War studies, the Cold War Project recommended con- ducting a series of theme and context studies that would examine the impact of prominent military weapon systems and missions on the American landscape.