The Great Curse Reversal
註釋When I read Todd Gaddis books, I think of the great preacher and author Chuck Swindoll. Todd weaves in wonderful illustrations as he leads us to the fountain of truth for refreshing. Practical help for daily living flows like a river from every page. He paints beautiful portraits of grace and mercy for us to behold in such a way that we can "get it."Larry McFadden, evangelist and author In the beginning, God spoke into existence the heavens and the earth and saw that they were good. Then, He created man in His own image, gave him dominion over the rest of creation, and saw that it was very good.Unfortunately, paradise didn t last for long. Bliss turned to blunder when Adam and Eve ate fruit from the only tree they were told to avoid. Immediately, mankind became ensnared by sin.In The Great Curse Reversal, Todd Gaddis explores the work of Satan in the Garden and the first couple s subsequent plunge into iniquity. He details the only true answer to mankind s predicament, a reconciliation that comes through Jesus Christ. As the book progresses, special emphasis is given to the tragedy of Hell and the delight of Heaven along with a description of the Second Coming, judgments, rewards and the establishment of a new heaven and new earth. Read and ruminate over this book, discovering the antidote for the poison of sin. As an added bonus, you ll learn about the wonderful plans God has for those who ve received Him and the disaster in store for those who don t. Todd Gaddis has been a pastor since 1990 and currently serves at First Baptist Church in LaFayette, Georgia. He has written for Focus on the Family, Leadership, Pray, War Cry and numerous LifeWay publications. Before entering the pastorate, Todd worked in public relations/fundraising for a Christian college and also as a corporate sales representative. His previous books are Escape From Wits End (2005) and The Compliments of Christ (2004).