Love, Fear and Other Things That Cry out in the Night

Love, Fear and Other Things That Cry Out In The Night - Moments Alone With Agoraphobia was written by Marilyn R. Moody approximately 20 years ago. At that time in her life she was diagnosed with this illness. It was a difficult way to live. Because she had young children, she managed to keep working feeling responsible for their financial needs even though she was married to a very supportive man.

Writing was one of the ways she coped with the fears brought on by agoraphobia. Ms. Moody saved the writing from that time. Over the years, as she has grown healthier and stronger, she would often take out the book that originally was written for her eyes only to read again her thoughts from that time in her life. She would then realize how far she had progressed.

Now, she has included those writings into one book to share with others who might also be experiencing the devastating effects from agoraphobia. She would like them to know that they are not alone.