The China Story
註釋First published in 1951, this book details Utley’s view on America’s handling of the situation in China at the time led to Communist victories. It went on to become a national bestseller, and a milestone in exhibiting how Third World gains by the Communists were helped and facilitated in Washington. It inspired hope in many foreign lands that Communist takeovers were neither indigenous nor “inevitable,” as was often claimed in the 1940’s.

“I have read your book and commend it to those who are interested in knowing the truth......”—General Douglas MacArthur

“[Utley combines] the keenest and most comprehensive intellectual understanding with deep and sincere emotion.... [they] hold the reader’s attention as intensely as a great novel.”—Bertrand Russell, 1950 Nobel Prize winner

Author Freda Utley (1898-1978) was one of the key witnesses against Lattimore in the Tydings Committee investigation (1950) of Senator Joseph McCarthy’s charges of communist influence in the U. S. State Department.