From the Ark of Yahweh to the Church of the Triune God
Andrzej Napiórkowski
Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
, 2021-04-23
Religion / Christian Theology / Ecclesiology
The book "From the Ark of Yahweh to the Church of the Triune God" is to enhance our understanding of the Church. Integral ecclesiogenesis has five stages: 1. The timeless idea of God the Father, 2. Continuation in the Old Covenant, 3. Establishment by Jesus (transition from the idea of the Kingdom of God to the Divine-humanly ecclesial reality), 4. Continuous fulfilment since Pentecost, 5. The current pursuit of eschatological completeness. Clearly abandoning the thesis that Jesus founded the Church explicitly and directly, the Author fleshes out the emergence of the Church in the Old Testament. This is why he first reconstructs Biblical Israel and the Judaist environment in which Jesus of Nazareth grew up, lived and taught. The Judaism of this period was much more Hellenised, diverse and divided than previously thought. Hence, Jesus not so much pursued the establishment of a religious community, but - as the eternal Son of God - He primarily wanted to fulfil the will of the Heavenly Father, although a community that was the work of the Holy Spirit and the Remnant of Israel did emerge after His resurrection. This view of ecclesiology is not so much christocentric, but primarily trinitarian and pneumatocentric, and clearly enhanced with a human dimension.Just as the exploration of Yahweh's presence among the Hebrews as the People of the Old Covenant must include the Ark of the Covenant, the self-communication of the Holy Trinity in the new people washed with the blood of the new Moses cannot ignore Mary, from the bosom of whom It has emerged. And just as the Ark of the Covenant accompanied the Jews in their exodus through the desert to the promised land, so does Mary always accompany Christians on their path with Christ. REVIEWS: From the Ark of Yahweh to the Church of the Triune God is a book written by Fr Andrzej Napiórkowski OSPPE, professor of theological studies, The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, member of the Theological Sciences Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. I recommend the book as an original and valuable work on the Church and her genesis. Integral ecclesiogenesis has five stages: 1. The idea of God the Father, 2. Continuation in the Old Covenant, 3. Establishment by Jesus, 4. Continuous fulfilment since Pentecost, 5. The current pursuit of eschatological completeness. The Church is a mystery. It encompasses heavenly and earthly reality and it expresses in itself the Triune God that reveals Him. Exploring and discussing the beginnings of the Church, according to Fr A. Napiorkowski OSPPE "leads to becoming closer to historical Jesus on the one hand, while on the other, it aids in updating the reality of the Church".Prof. Eugeniusz Sakowicz, Head of the Chair of the Religiology and Ecumenism at the Faculty of Theology, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in WarsawIl libro "From the Ark of Yahweh to the Church of the Triune God" è un interessante tentativo di approfondire la comprensione dell'istituzione e della formazione della Chiesa. Il suo principale vantaggio è la presentazione dell'ecclesiogenesi dell'Antico Testamento. Alla sua luce, dunque, l'evento della Chiesa sembra essere non solo opera di Gesù Cristo, ma soprattutto della Santissima Trinità e dell'uomo che trova la sua salvezza in questa santa comunità. Da un lato, l'autore, un noto teologo e specialista, ricrea accuratamente il mondo del giudaismo biblico, e dall'altro, nelle sue conclusioni, si avvicina alla visione ortodossa della Chiesa, e ciò con una peculiare sensibilità ecumenica.Prof. dr hab. B. Degorski, University Angelicum Rome