Let us C Solutions 16th Edition
kanetkar Yashavant
BPB Publications
, 2018-11-08
Computers / Computer Science
Let Us C has been part of learning and teaching material in mostEngineering and Science Institutes round the country for years now.From last year or so, I received several suggestions that its size bepruned a bit, as many learners who learn C language in their Engineeringor Science curriculum have some familiarity with it. I am happy to fulfillthis request. I hope the readers would appreciate the lean look of thecurrent edition.In one of the previous edition I had realigned the chapters in such amanner that if a C programming course is taught using Let Us C, it can befinished in 22 lectures of one hour each, with one chapter's contentsdevoted to one lecture. I am happy that many readers liked this idea andreported that this has made their learning path trouble-free. A morerational reorganization of end-of-chapter exercises in the book has alsobeen well-received. Riding on that feedback I had introduced one morefeature in the fifteenth edition-KanNotes. These are hand-craftednotes on C programming. From the reader's emails I gather that theyhave turned out to be very useful to help revise their concepts on theday before the examination, viva-voce or interview.Many readers also told me that they have immensely benefitted fromthe inclusion of the chapter on Interview FAQs. I have improved thischapter further. The rationale behind this chapter is simple-ultimatelyall the readers of Let Us C sooner or later end up in an interview roomwhere they are required to take questions on C programming. I nowhave a proof that this chapter has helped to make that journey smoothand fruitful.All the programs present in the book (and some more) are available insource code form at www.kicit.com/books/letusc/sourcecode. You arefree to download them, improve them, change them, do whatever withthem. If you wish to get solutions for the Exercises in the book they areavailable in another book titled 'Let Us C Solutions'. If you want somemore problems for practice they are available in the book titled 'Let Us CWorkbook'. As usual, new editions of these t