Brief to the Royal Commission on the Status of Women in Canada
Association of the New Democratic Party
Newfoundland Home Economics Association
Richelieu Valley University Women's Club
Keller, Jean
Marshall, Hilda A. J
Ablack, Vera G
Alberta Association of Registered Nurses
Alberta Home Economics Association
Alberta Jaycettes
Alberta Native Women's Conference (1968 : Edmonton, Alta.)
Alberta Women's Liberal Association
Allen, Dorothy
Allied Jewish Community Services (Montréal, Quebec). Women's Federation
Alta Vista Women's Progressive Conservative Association
Anderson, Carol
Anderson, J
Association of Homemakers' Clubs of Saskatchewan
Association of Registered Nurses of Newfoundland
B'nai B'rith Girls
B.C. and Yukon Jaycettes
Babineau, Hilda
Bach, L. J
Back, Margaret H.
Baker, Inez
Bennie, Sheila M
Berndtsson, Carrie A
Bicknell, Norma F
Bland, Fay
Bower-Binns, Gwendoline
Bridge, Bonita M
Bridge, Joan
British Columbia Women's Institute
Business and Professional Women's Club of St. John's
Calgary (Alta.)
Calgary Home Economics Association
Campbell, Viola
Canadian Association for Adult Education
Canadian Federation of Christian Reformed Ladies Societies
Canadian Federation of University Women
Canadian Federation of University Women. Fredericton Branch
Canadian Federation of University Women. St. John's Club
Canadian Federation of University Women. Windsor Club
Canadian Federation of Women. Prince Edward Island Branch
Canadian Home Economics Association. British Columbia Committee
Canadian Labour Congress
Canadian Library Association
Canadian Religious Conference
Cariboo District Women's Institute
Carleton University
Cartwright, Thelma
Cercle des Fermières
Conboy, I. Z. Y
Confederation of National Trade Unions
Conner, Lu
Cooling, J
Craigie, R. S
Crompton, Joan
D'Altroy, W. E
Dawson, Claire
De Nys, Dorothy
Delta Kappa Gamma Society. Alpha Province
Delta Kappa Gamma Society. Delta Chapter
Dixon, Sophia
Drake International
Driver United Church Women (Driver, Sask.)
Duchemin, Jacques Fernand
Dupont, Claire Hammel
Earley, Mary Two Axe
East-Enders Society
Edmonton Women Teachers' Club
Eleanor Dunn
Ella Manuel
Elliot, R
Exham, Beth-Anne
Family Bureau of Greater Winnipeg
Family Life Education Council of Edmonton
Family Planning Federation of Canada
Family Service Association of Montreal
Farley, Barbara
Federacja Kobiet Polskich w Kanadzie
Federated Women's Institutes of Canada
Federation of Medical Women of Canada
Federation of Women Teachers' Associations of Ontario
Francis, Mary J
Fulleringer, G. A
Fédération des femmes canadiennes-françaises
Gaston C. Payette
Gaudreau, Margaret M
Goldstein, Hazel
Goulet, Micheline
Greengrass, W
Hall, W. D
Harding, Karen
Harding, May J
Harries, Theresa
Hauck, Isabel
Hayes, Joan B
Henderson, Margaret
Henderson, W. R. S
Hornby, K
Howard, Irene
Hudgins, Carol J
Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire
International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America. Canadian Region
Jackson, Sherrill
Jacobi, E. E
Jallimore, Roberta G
Johnson, Joan C
Johnstone, Arlette J
Junior League of Montreal
Justin & Justin Realtors (Toronto, Ont.)
K'Shian Business and Professional Women's Club of Terrace, B.C
Kalkfleisch, Marilyn
Kaye, John
Keate, Kathryn
Kennedy, Joyce Demaine
Keyes, Margaret
Kish, Albert
Lafon, Marianne
Lahache, Mary Ann
Lamarche, Luce
Lamartine, Margaret
Lane, Mrs
Larsen, Mildred June
Lavallée, Sam (Mrs.)
Law, Helen
League for Socialist Action
Leslie-Spinks, Fay
Ligue des femmes du Québec
Lippman, Moe (Mrs.)
Livy, L
Lloydminster (Sask. and Alta.)
Lonquist, Raya
Louis, Diana
Lynch, Eleanor D
MacDonald, B
MacFarlane, Peggy
MacGillivray, M. E
Mackenrot, H. L
Marriage Counselling Centre of Montreal
Marshall, Christiana S
Marshall, Mildred H
Martell, Kory
McAndrew, Elaine
McAteer, Alison J
McGill Medical Students' Society
McGill, Ruth
McKenna, Joan C
McMaster, Susan
McMullan, Eleanor E
McQueen, Lily M
Mickleburgh, B
Mitchell, Izzette
Mitchell, Nellie
Moncton Jaycettes (Moncton, N.B.)
Montgomery, Frances K
Montreal Council of Women
Montreal Day Nursery. Parents' Group
Montreal Women's Symphony Orchestra
Moore, Samuel A
Morin, Rita M
Morse, V. M
Mount Saint Vincent University
National Council of Jewish Women of Canada. Montreal Section
National Council of Jewish Women of Canada. Vancouver Section
National Council of Women of Canada
New Democratic Party. Women's Organization
North Shuswap Women's Institute
Nova Scotia Federation of Home and School Associations
Nova Scotia Home Economics Association
Nursery Education Association of Ontario
Ontario Federation of Labour
Ontario Jaycettes
Ottawa Nursery School Association
Overweel, Margaret Torrance
Parents Without Partners, Inc
Parker, P. B
Perkins, Velma M
Pioneer Women's Organization of Canada
Planned Parenthood of Toronto
Polly Hill Associates
Powers, Aileen D
Provincial Council of Elizabeth Fry Societies of Ontario
Provincial Council of Women of British Columbia
Provincial Council of Women of Nova Scotia
Provincial Council of Women of Saskatchewan
Racine, Ethel E
Rainey, Toby
Rawek, Edith
Reeve, Beatrice M
Regina Home Economics Club
Reid, Muriel
Roberts, Pia
Robertson, Bruce
Robitaille-Bureau, Lise
Rodden, Georgina May
Rosenblaum, Donald
Rowe, Nora J
Royal Commission on the Status of Women in Canada
Charlottetown Business and Professional Women's Club
Family Service Association of Edmonton
Ryall, Solveig
Salvation Army (Canada)
Salyzyn, Vladimir
Sanche, Denise
Sarrazin, J
Saskatchewan Farmers Union
Saskatchewan Federation of Labour
Saskatchewan Home Economics Association
Saskatchewan Jaycettes
Saskatoon Women Teachers' Association
Schauenberg, J. N
Seminar for Mature Women (1968 : Toronto, Ont.)
Seminars in Psychology
Senior Citizens' Forum of Montreal
Sherbrooke Jaycettes
Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Israel. Social Action Group
Skelly, Stephen J
Sloan, Jean H
Smith, Margaret S
Soroptimist Club of Halifax
St. Andrew's United Church (Beloeil, Que.)
St. Andrews Anglican Church. Mothers' Union
St. Joan's International Alliance. Canadian Section
St. Joseph's Hospital (Hamilton, Ont.)
St. Mark's Women's Association
Stephens, Matilda
Stogre, Dorothy E
Street Haven
Sullivan, Sue
Taggart, Margaret
Telford, Frances
Templeton Senior Secondary School (Vancouver, B.C.)
Thrasher, Rose Mary
Thyer, D
Toronto Home Economics Association
Toronto Single Parents Associated
Toronto Women's Press Club
Trainor, G. E
Tutt, Sherrie E
Union des parents du Grand Shawinigan
United Church of Canada
United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America. Canadian Section
United Fishermen and Allied Workers' Union
United Nations Association in Canada. Toronto Branch
University Women's Club of Edmonton
University Women's Club of North York
University Women's Club of Regina
University Women's Club of Vancouver
University Women's Club of Woodstock. Status of Women Committee
University of British Columbia
University of British Columbia. Committee of Mature Women Students
Van Nus, Wilma
Van de Pitte, Margaret M
Vancouver Business and Professional Women's Club
Vancouver Primrose Club
Veinett, Joan M
Verwey, Norma Ellen
Victoria Composite High School
Victoria Day Care Services
Victoria District Registered Nurses Association of British Columbia
Vincent Massey Collegiate (Fort Garry, Man.)
Visiting Homemakers Association (Toronto, Ont.)
Voice of Women. Calgary
Voice of Women. Edmonton
Voice of Women. Halifax
Voice of Women. Quebec
Voice of Women. Regina
Voice of Women. Victoria
Voice of Women. Westmount-Notre Dame de Grace Branch
Volunteer Bureau of Montreal
Wallace, Cecelia
Wanklyn, Patience
Watson, B. F
Weber, Eva L
Whitehorse Business & Professional Women's Club
Wilkinson, Lenore
Willick, Christina M
Williston, Adele
Wilson, H. R
Women's Auxiliary United Autoworkers Union. Local 360 (London, Ont.)
Women's Institutes of Nova Scotia
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
Wood, Winifred M
Worral, Grace
Wyatt, Dorothy
Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association and Neighbourhood House Services
Young Socialist League
Young Women's Christian Association (Montréal, Québec)
Yukon Social Services Organization
Yukon Territory
Zonta Club of Halifax
Macdonald, Donald
Schull, Helen Gougeon
Society for the Protection of Women and Children
Stafford, P
Stark, Ethel
Taylor, Mary
Thomson, Mrs
Voice of Women
Zonta Club of Charlottetown
The Association
, 1967