Brief to the Royal Commission on the Status of Women in Canada
Association of the New Democratic PartyNewfoundland Home Economics AssociationRichelieu Valley University Women's ClubKeller, JeanMarshall, Hilda A. JAblack, Vera GAlberta Association of Registered NursesAlberta Home Economics AssociationAlberta JaycettesAlberta Native Women's Conference (1968 : Edmonton, Alta.)Alberta Women's Liberal AssociationAllen, DorothyAllied Jewish Community Services (Montréal, Quebec). Women's FederationAlta Vista Women's Progressive Conservative AssociationAnderson, CarolAnderson, JAssociation of Homemakers' Clubs of SaskatchewanAssociation of Registered Nurses of NewfoundlandB'nai B'rith GirlsB.C. and Yukon JaycettesBabineau, HildaBach, L. JBack, Margaret H.Baker, InezBennie, Sheila MBerndtsson, Carrie ABicknell, Norma FBland, FayBower-Binns, GwendolineBridge, Bonita MBridge, JoanBritish Columbia Women's InstituteBusiness and Professional Women's Club of St. John'sCalgary (Alta.)Calgary Home Economics AssociationCampbell, ViolaCanadian Association for Adult EducationCanadian Federation of Christian Reformed Ladies SocietiesCanadian Federation of University WomenCanadian Federation of University Women. Fredericton BranchCanadian Federation of University Women. St. John's ClubCanadian Federation of University Women. Windsor ClubCanadian Federation of Women. Prince Edward Island BranchCanadian Home Economics Association. British Columbia CommitteeCanadian Labour CongressCanadian Library AssociationCanadian Religious ConferenceCariboo District Women's InstituteCarleton UniversityCartwright, ThelmaCercle des FermièresChâtelaineConboy, I. Z. YConfederation of National Trade UnionsConner, LuCooling, JCraigie, R. SCrompton, JoanD'Altroy, W. EDawson, ClaireDe Nys, DorothyDelta Kappa Gamma Society. Alpha ProvinceDelta Kappa Gamma Society. Delta ChapterDixon, SophiaDrake InternationalDriver United Church Women (Driver, Sask.)Duchemin, Jacques FernandDupont, Claire HammelEarley, Mary Two AxeEast-Enders SocietyEdmonton Women Teachers' ClubEleanor DunnElla ManuelElliot, RExham, Beth-AnneFamily Bureau of Greater WinnipegFamily Life Education Council of EdmontonFamily Planning Federation of CanadaFamily Service Association of MontrealFarley, BarbaraFederacja Kobiet Polskich w KanadzieFederated Women's Institutes of CanadaFederation of Medical Women of CanadaFederation of Women Teachers' Associations of OntarioFrancis, Mary JFulleringer, G. AFédération des femmes canadiennes-françaisesGaston C. PayetteGaudreau, Margaret MGoldstein, HazelGoulet, MichelineGreengrass, WHall, W. DHarding, KarenHarding, May JHarries, TheresaHauck, IsabelHayes, Joan BHenderson, MargaretHenderson, W. R. SHornby, KHoward, IreneHudgins, Carol JImperial Order Daughters of the EmpireInternational Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America. Canadian RegionJackson, SherrillJacobi, E. EJallimore, Roberta GJohnson, Joan CJohnstone, Arlette JJunior League of MontrealJustin & Justin Realtors (Toronto, Ont.)K'Shian Business and Professional Women's Club of Terrace, B.CKalkfleisch, MarilynKaye, JohnKeate, KathrynKennedy, Joyce DemaineKeyes, MargaretKish, AlbertLafon, MarianneLahache, Mary AnnLamarche, LuceLamartine, MargaretLane, MrsLarsen, Mildred JuneLavallée, Sam (Mrs.)Law, HelenLeague for Socialist ActionLeslie-Spinks, FayLigue des femmes du QuébecLippman, Moe (Mrs.)Livy, LLloydminster (Sask. and Alta.)Lonquist, RayaLouis, DianaLynch, Eleanor DMacDonald, BMacFarlane, PeggyMacGillivray, M. EMackenrot, H. LMarriage Counselling Centre of MontrealMarshall, Christiana SMarshall, Mildred HMartell, KoryMcAndrew, ElaineMcAteer, Alison JMcGill Medical Students' SocietyMcGill, RuthMcKenna, Joan CMcMaster, SusanMcMullan, Eleanor EMcQueen, Lily MMickleburgh, BMitchell, IzzetteMitchell, NellieMoncton Jaycettes (Moncton, N.B.)Montgomery, Frances KMontreal Council of WomenMontreal Day Nursery. Parents' GroupMontreal Women's Symphony OrchestraMoore, Samuel AMorin, Rita MMorse, V. MMount Saint Vincent UniversityNational Council of Jewish Women of Canada. Montreal SectionNational Council of Jewish Women of Canada. Vancouver SectionNational Council of Women of CanadaNew Democratic Party. Women's OrganizationNorth Shuswap Women's InstituteNova Scotia Federation of Home and School AssociationsNova Scotia Home Economics AssociationNursery Education Association of OntarioOntario Federation of LabourOntario JaycettesOttawa Nursery School AssociationOverweel, Margaret TorranceParents Without Partners, IncParker, P. BPerkins, Velma MPioneer Women's Organization of CanadaPlanned Parenthood of TorontoPolly Hill AssociatesPowers, Aileen DProvincial Council of Elizabeth Fry Societies of OntarioProvincial Council of Women of British ColumbiaProvincial Council of Women of Nova ScotiaProvincial Council of Women of SaskatchewanRacine, Ethel ERainey, TobyRawek, EdithReeve, Beatrice MRegina Home Economics ClubReid, MurielRoberts, PiaRobertson, BruceRobitaille-Bureau, LiseRodden, Georgina MayRosenblaum, DonaldRowe, Nora JRoyal Commission on the Status of Women in CanadaCharlottetown Business and Professional Women's ClubFamily Service Association of EdmontonRyall, SolveigSalvation Army (Canada)Salyzyn, VladimirSanche, DeniseSarrazin, JSaskatchewan Farmers UnionSaskatchewan Federation of LabourSaskatchewan Home Economics AssociationSaskatchewan JaycettesSaskatoon Women Teachers' AssociationSchauenberg, J. NSeminar for Mature Women (1968 : Toronto, Ont.)Seminars in PsychologySenior Citizens' Forum of MontrealSherbrooke JaycettesSisterhood of Congregation Beth Israel. Social Action GroupSkelly, Stephen JSloan, Jean HSmith, Margaret SSoroptimist Club of HalifaxSt. Andrew's United Church (Beloeil, Que.)St. Andrews Anglican Church. Mothers' UnionSt. Joan's International Alliance. Canadian SectionSt. Joseph's Hospital (Hamilton, Ont.)St. Mark's Women's AssociationStephens, MatildaStogre, Dorothy EStreet HavenSullivan, SueTaggart, MargaretTelford, FrancesTempleton Senior Secondary School (Vancouver, B.C.)Thrasher, Rose MaryThyer, DToronto Home Economics AssociationToronto Single Parents AssociatedToronto Women's Press ClubTrainor, G. ETri-VettesTutt, Sherrie EUnion des parents du Grand ShawiniganUnited Church of CanadaUnited Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America. Canadian SectionUnited Fishermen and Allied Workers' UnionUnited Nations Association in Canada. Toronto BranchUniversity Women's Club of EdmontonUniversity Women's Club of North YorkUniversity Women's Club of ReginaUniversity Women's Club of VancouverUniversity Women's Club of Woodstock. Status of Women CommitteeUniversity of British ColumbiaUniversity of British Columbia. Committee of Mature Women StudentsVan Nus, WilmaVan de Pitte, Margaret MVancouver Business and Professional Women's ClubVancouver Primrose ClubVeinett, Joan MVerwey, Norma EllenVictoria Composite High SchoolVictoria Day Care ServicesVictoria District Registered Nurses Association of British ColumbiaVincent Massey Collegiate (Fort Garry, Man.)Visiting Homemakers Association (Toronto, Ont.)Voice of Women. CalgaryVoice of Women. EdmontonVoice of Women. HalifaxVoice of Women. QuebecVoice of Women. ReginaVoice of Women. VictoriaVoice of Women. Westmount-Notre Dame de Grace BranchVolunteer Bureau of MontrealWallace, CeceliaWanklyn, PatienceWatson, B. FWeber, Eva LWhitehorse Business & Professional Women's ClubWilkinson, LenoreWillick, Christina MWilliston, AdeleWilson, H. RWomen's Auxiliary United Autoworkers Union. Local 360 (London, Ont.)Women's Institutes of Nova ScotiaWomen's International League for Peace and FreedomWood, Winifred MWorral, GraceWyatt, DorothyYoung Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association and Neighbourhood House ServicesYoung Socialist LeagueYoung Women's Christian Association (Montréal, Québec)Yukon Social Services OrganizationYukon TerritoryZonta Club of HalifaxMacdonald, DonaldSchull, Helen GougeonSociety for the Protection of Women and ChildrenStafford, PStark, EthelTaylor, MaryThomson, MrsVoice of WomenZonta Club of Charlottetown
出版The Association, 1967