Serving Mentally Ill Offenders
Gerald Landsberg
Challenges & Opportunities for Mental Health Professionals
Springer Publishing Company
, 2002-01-10
Health & Fitness / General
Medical / Psychiatry / General
Psychology / Psychopathology / Compulsive Behavior
Psychology / Interpersonal Relations
Psychology / Mental Health
Social Science / Social Work
Social Science / Penology
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Section 1: Jail/Prison Services for Incarcerated Populations. 1 Lane County Adult Corrections Mental Health Services, Lane County, Oregon. 2 Oswego Mental Health Forensic Mental Health Program, Oswego, New York. Section 2: Community Based Diversion Programs. Part 1: Police/ Mental Health Linked Programs. 3 Overview: The Law Enforcement Response to Social Problems: Mental Health as a Case in Point. 4 The Development and Impliementation of a Police/Mental Health Training Program in a Large Urban Environment. 5 The Memphis CIT Model. 6 The Birmingham Police Department Community Service Officer Unit. Part 2: Community Programs. 7 Criminal Justice Diversion of Individuals with Co-Occuring Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders: An Overview. 8 Jail Diversion in a Managed Care Environment: The Arizona Experience. 9 Friends of Island Academy: Providing Youth with Positive Opportunities After Jail. 10 Broward's Mental Helath Court: An Innovative Approach to the Mentally Ill in the Criminal Justice System. 11 Preventing Incarceration of Adults with Severe Mental Illness: Project Link. 12 New York City's System of Criminal Justice Mental Health Services. Section 3: Serving Emotionally Disturbed Women. 13 Overview: Working with Women in Jails: Developing A Gender-Based Network of Services for Strengthening Women and Their Families. 14 Maryland's Programs for Incarcerated Women with Menal Illness and Substance Abuse Disorders. 15 A Gender-Specific Intervention Model for Incarcerated Women: Women's V.O.I.C.E.S. (Validation Opportunity Inspiration Communication Empowerment Safety. Section 4: Serving the Victims of Mentally Ill Offenders. 16 Elder Abuse and Forensic Mentally Ill Abusers. 17 Identifying and Addressing the Needs of Victims of Mentally Ill Offenders. Section 5: Perspectives from the Legal System: Issues for Mental Health Professionals. 18 A Judge's Perspective. 19 Social Workers as Advocates for Mentally Ill Criminal Defendants/ Inmates. 20 Observations of A Criminal Defense Attorney. 21 Someone Had to Stop the Spinning: The Prosecutor's Role in an Unlikely Alliance Called "Mental Health Court". 22 A Personal Experience. 23 Implementing Kendra's Law. Section 6: Screening Instruments. 24 A Review of Screening Instruments for Co-occuring Mental Illness and Substance Use in Criminal Justice Programs.