The Butterfly Blessing
註釋This book began as a chronicle of family life writtenby a father for his unborn child. The journal tookan unexpected turn when the 20-week ultrasoundrevealed a rare chromosomal condition. Thedevastating diagnosis of Trisomy 18 brought with ita high risk of early mortality. John and Nicole's thirdchild, Dominic, was never promised a long life, but itwas destined to be a powerful one.Fifteen years on, The Butterfly Blessing offers a father-sonstory with a difference. John writes to a son he isunsure he will ever meet, and tells, with raw honesty,how it feels to face the loss of a child. But whileThe Butterfly Blessing is about loss, it is as much aboutplans, dreams, hopes and the importance of makingevery moment count.For those who find themselves on a similar journey,John's journal entries written to his son will provide aglimpse of life when all that counts is family.For others, The Butterfly Blessing is simply acelebration and affirmation of the strength andsustaining power of love.